Workshops | journeyintojoy
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Everything I've learned on my journey has its roots in you and your guidance, Jakki. I am so grateful to have you in my life!"

Leonora, NJ

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I MATTER Empowerment Program

This program is for you if you:

  • have felt defeated 

  • need to leave an abusive relationship or need to heal your heart from trauma

  • want to know how to get what you want

  • want to eliminate what is holding you back 

  • want to find love and keep it!

  • need confidence, direction, support, more energy, motivation, possibilities...

  • are ready to commit to improving your circumstances and taking control

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Get a LIFT with this spirit lifting, intuition raising experience. Learn this 4 step process to feeling high without drugs and alcohol and enjoy live music, guided meditation, inspiring stories, movement, pampering self-care and more. Get in touch with your joy! For LIVE workshop dates, click below


Discover the ancient healing art of Reiki. Levels I & II offered. Learn:

  • the ancient history of this modality

  • about the body's energy system

  • how to treat yourself and others

  • the benefits of Reiki

  • how to clear and protect your field 

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Have you recently suffered a break up? Have you been in a relationship that does not support you? Are you tired of repeating a pattern?


Watch this short video for 15 ways to heal after breakup and learn about how to get the love you want. There is no better time than NOW to make your life what you want!


The Secrets togetting the Love you desir

Are you frustrated by the dating process?

Are you tired of feeling alone?

having trouble finding love, keeping love, being heard, fitting in or getting what you want?                         

Check out this 75 min workshop in person or in the comfort of your home to uncover the secrets to getting the love you desire!

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Do you need a time-out?

Are you feeling depleted, neglected, abused, spread too thin, not appreciated, worried, taken advantage of or tired of your needs not being important?

Loving ourselves is often the most challenging part of life, and yet it is not taught very well by our caretakers or in schools.

Come explore ways to feel loved and honor YOU. Discover habits and practices to integrate easily into your life that make a big impact!

Take a Journey into your power with this 4 part video series designed to help you discover:

  • what is most important to you

  • what you REALLY want

  • how to get what you want

  • what is holding you back

  • the help that is available to you just waiting for you to discover it

Want to re-connect with your partner in a soulful way?

Would you like to rekindle that spark and better communication?

Discover a deeper connection through these playful exercises and in-depth understanding of love. Enjoy pampering each other with massage techniques and putting each other 1st for these 3 hours.

 Stress is the #1 risk factor for disease. Learn how to stop it before it stops you!


Join us in a weekly discussion on topics related to reducing stress.

Online video conference or dial in as well as live in NJ.


"This is a very good class! I feel more relaxed"

Are you ready to attract abundance? Change careers? Feel secure in your decisions? To finally get what you want?


Drop that weight, for good. Find that love, for real! Start that new know, whatever you've been thinking about.

Let's Do it! 


Click below to do this 1 hour class in the comfort of your home to learn the 8 Essential Steps to Manifestation

Find your path 1 hr/wk for 4 weeks. Journey into yourself and unveil why you are here and what you are meant to learn using Jakki’s book, Follow the Signs as your guide. Includes meditations, affirmations, sacred tools and the art of journaling  to reveal your deepest fears, joys, lessons, responsibilities and mission.

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